get a coral banded, i got one about a month ago and i love him/her!, cleans my whole tank, eats anything i wunna feed him, looks really cool, i got him at 2 inches, he's about 3 inches now, molted 3 times, he's doing amazing.
well i was just worried about it attacking my other fish and i was thinking of adding some peppermint shrimps down the line too so i was worried about them. but i guess ill do some more research. i was leaning towards the cleaner in the first place so ill probably go with that. thx for the help though.
Originally Posted by deadmanschest
ok thx ill get the cleaner then.
Definitely a cleaner. I've heard too many horror stories about CBS eating fish to give it a chance.
cleaner......hands down...
I had both a cbs and a cleaner together and the cbs would always harass the cbs and come the time i added my sixline wrasse the cbs went over to it's sleeping area and triedstabbing at my wrasse... he was out right there and then.... don't be fooled by the cheap price tag... besides the cleaner is much more fun to feed off your hand.
I have both....
The cbs is very cool looking and he has been a model citizen even though I have only had him about 2 weeks. They are super cool but if he acts up he will be gone. Probably for dinner.
yosemite.... thats a load of crap... cbs don't attack anything, they eat dead carcasses. people come in in the morning and see the cbs eating a dead fish and assume the shrimp killed it., and miami. did you actually see it walk into the sixline's cave and "stab" it? or did you wake up and see the cbs eating its dead body?
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
yosemite.... thats a load of crap... cbs don't attack anything, they eat dead carcasses. people come in in the morning and see the cbs eating a dead fish and assume the shrimp killed it., and miami. did you actually see it walk into the sixline's cave and "stab" it? or did you wake up and see the cbs eating its dead body?
I watched my CBS grab a sixline and pull at him...The sixline got away...That time, but not the next..
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
yosemite.... thats a load of crap... cbs don't attack anything, they eat dead carcasses. people come in in the morning and see the cbs eating a dead fish and assume the shrimp killed it., and miami. did you actually see it walk into the sixline's cave and "stab" it? or did you wake up and see the cbs eating its dead body?
the sixline was not dead.....sixlines find a cave and create a little web wherever they sleep....i literally saw the CBS walk over to it's cave while the lights were out on the tank and try stabbing at it.
oh really miami? you literally saw your SIXLINE? WALK? over to it's own cave and stab at itself?... thats really interesting... get it on tape and you can put it on the show animal miracles.
I have had a CBS for over a year now, he hasnt interacted with my SixLine, or my 4 or 5 peppermint shimp. I did make the mistake of putting 2 CBS's in the tank at the same time. I have one now
One CBS per tank unless you know they are Mated. That is the one limit with CBS's
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
oh really miami? you literally saw your SIXLINE? WALK? over to it's own cave and stab at itself?... thats really interesting... get it on tape and you can put it on the show animal miracles. ass......haha you know what i haha but good catch..
deadmanschest, you never said what size tank you were making this decision on. I have a 150g and have both a CBS and a mated pair of cleaners. Also have a mated pair of fire shrimp. They have all staked out their territories and only get aggressive towards each other if one has invaded the territory of the other. This results in the invader going back to their own territory. No fatalities & the only aggression I've seen towards the 6 line is self defense posturing by the CBS. No search & destroy missions by the CBS. Of course each animal is a bit different so I don't doubt that it has happened
Personally, I find the cleaner shrimp more entertaining as one tries to clean the fish or my hands.
Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
If you're going to have small fish and other small inverts, get the cleaner shrimp. They're much less of a risk.