Coral Banded Shrimp w/other Shrimp & Crabs?


New Member
I read somewhere that Coral Banded Shrimp shouldn't be kept with other shrimp and crabs. I'd like to get one, but I'd like to also have some cleaner shrimp and hermit crabs. Is that really a problem?


my coral banded shrimp was a bully.
he would pick on all of the other shrimp (including my cleaner)
and some of my fish (such as my mandarin goby and by copperband butterfly)
i finally decided to get rid of him.


Well, mine aren't bullies.... I have one in my 90 gallon with 4 pepperment shrimp and one in my 24 gallon w/one peppermint shrimp. Never had any problems... got some emerald crabs in there too!!


Active Member
I see a distinct difference between those 2 post. One says 'mine was a bully" and the other "mine aren't bullies". :thinking:


I have 3 yellow coral bandeds 1 cleaner and 1 peppermint. This is in a 150 and they all do fine. If you have the room and get them small it should be fine. I like the yellow they look cool and do not get as big as the coral banded.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Has to do with age mainly. As they get older, they get bolder.

This is my thinking also. I have one that you very rarely ever saw but now that it has gotten bigger it is coming out a lot more. I have 2 cleaners, 1 peppermint, 2 pistols, 1 fire and 4 sexys so I hope mine stays nice. I think the other shrimp are most vunerable when they molt so that could be a prime opportunity for the CBS to attack. The only shrimp that I know my boxer gets along with is my carribean pistol shrimp because they stay in the same cave. The pistol is on the sand while the boxer is hovering right above him.


I just had to take my CB back to the fish store. He had killed two of my cleaner shrimp and was picking on my Coral Beauty. When I was him with the Coral Beauty in one of his claws that was the last straw. He's history.


th ones at my lfs r always attacking the others.. my blood and cleaner shrimp r little buddies tho

30-xtra high

Active Member
nope.. they're completelely reef safe.. and i love mine, never put him with other shrimp, but your question about compatability with crabs.. they're fine, i've got about 15 hermits varrying from 1/4" to 2", and he doesn't even notice them..


Active Member
I have a male gold CBS with a fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, sexy shrimp, hermits, & peppermints without issue for well over a year.


My CBS is kind of mean. He seems to hate everything in my tank. He is rather large, about 4 inches across. All of my fish seem to know that he is a little

though and hover just out of reach and stare at him. Watching him wave his little claws in vain is kind of entertaining. Every now and then my coral beauty will mistake him for a cleaner and let him jump on. As soon as the shrimp gives him a poke he gets shaken off, no worries. Small hermits are another story. He has developed a taste for blue legs.
Oh i also have one peppermnt shrimp that seems to have found a way to survive.


Originally Posted by AdroitMind
My CBS is kind of mean. He seems to hate everything in my tank. He is rather large, about 4 inches across. All of my fish seem to know that he is a little

though and hover just out of reach and stare at him. Watching him wave his little claws in vain is kind of entertaining. Every now and then my coral beauty will mistake him for a cleaner and let him jump on. As soon as the shrimp gives him a poke he gets shaken off, no worries. Small hermits are another story. He has developed a taste for blue legs.
Oh i also have one peppermnt shrimp that seems to have found a way to survive.

Yeah I think mine recently went Rambo on one of my blue leg hermits. I think the strength in numbers is what I am seeing here. Seems as if people are saying that they have 2 of this and 3 of that and maybe the CBS won't mess with things if they are the low one one the totompole. By the way mine is a little

to. I love to watch him squirm when my butterfly fish come over and stares him down-little hides like a B**ch! LOL


Active Member
I had one in my DT but took him out and put him in my fuge because I needed to get peppermints to control Aipstasia. I was told that a CBS would kill the peppermints. I have an emerald crab in my fuge with the CBS and he doesnt bother him.


I have also been told/read that CBS will kill other shrimp. My one pepperment shrimp is a test subject to see if i can keep other more expensive decorative shrimp. If the peppermint can stay alive for 3 to 6 months then i might trust my CBS with other decorative shrimp. so far so good :thinking:


Active Member
It's a toss up, mines been with cleaners in a 55 and a 33 now with no problem for two years, he does follow the cleaner if it gets close but never gets a chance, however there is a collection of empty shells under his cave, I think he planted one so the hermits go "hey new shell" try and switch and get eaten. Good plan, IMO.