Coral Banded Shrimp with a Cleaner shrimp


I have a Red Line Cleaner shrimp which i have had 4 about 5 months now and has molted twice. is growning in size well. i would love to add anther cleaner shrimp but was also wondering how they would go with a pair of Coral Banded Shrimp. will the coral banded shrimp be to aggresive and kill the the cleaners??
also im in Aus and cleaners set me back around $80AUD so if there any chance of the cleaners getting knocked off im not gonna risk it, will just get 1-2 more red lines.
Cheers guys!


I believe coral banded shrimp are only supposed to be kept one per tank...very territorial. And mine sure is!
We have two cleaner shrimp, one coral banded shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, & 3 camel back shrimp, & nobody seems to bother the other.


Also, FWIW, I would not put another CB in our tank if I could do it over again. He is VERY territitorial, and will snap at anyone who comes near his lair. Somehow though, our Dragonet sleeps in his lair & doesn't get bothered, but during the day (lights on), nobody can go near his little corner of the tank he's claimed.
At feeding time, he is NOT aggressive at all. But he is definitely more aggressive than any of the other shrimp we have.

land of fi

New Member
I have had one in my 125g for about four years. VERY territorial, as said. As far as keeping them with other types of shrimp is a risk.....mine certainly will not accept any others.......They definetly must be kept alone, unless you are luky enough to find a mated pair. No two ways about it.


Originally Posted by Aidos
a pair of Coral Banded Shrimp.
i understand that they must be matted in order to keep them in the same tank.
i guess i will not risk putting a single or paired coral banded shrimp in my system, not worth the risk.
cheers guys for ur knowledge.