coral banded shrimp


I got this over on the reef forum but it is not beeing picked up on so I'll ask it here also
are cbs reef safe are they cleaners,agressive,or just scavangers?


I hope you dont mind but I also have a question about the CBS--Is it possible that it would pick at a fish as far as to tear and make bleed?
Background for this--a few days I noticed what I thought was a scratch on my Clarkii clown and thought it may of got on him from swimming through the LR. I kept an eye on him an this morning I saw my CBS picking at the scratch, looking closer he was making it bleed.
Question is was the CBS cleaning this possibly/ could he have done this to begin with/or is it now picking on a weak spot and maybe trying to hurt my Clarkii?
Thanks in advance for any info---sorry such long post.


In my own personal experience with the "little darlings" I think they can be VERY aggressive..Somewhat aggressive to say the least..
If two are put together in a 55gl or less, the stronger of the two will tear the other apart..
I think that they are very pretty, but not for my tank, reef, and fish..
I would suggest a cleaner/skunk shrimp..they are pretty docile that I've seen..
I dont know personally about picking at fish, I've only seem the ones I had, (eaat different times) rip the hell out of other shrimp in my tank, and even pick on some of my reef...So I say "No Way..Jose!!"
Just my opinion
~Susie ;)


Thanks for the input SusiePan--I'm thinking that they do look "so darling" myself. Sweet and innocent, but I will keep a look out the LFS said they'd take it back so that helps out.


I'll give you the skinny on the two CBSes that I have. One is in a 54 gallon corner reef tank with 2 scarlet skunk cleaners, and 2 peppermints. He is HUGE for a CBS, about 4" long. He reaches for every fish in the tank like he wants to rip them apart, but after 6 months he hasn't touched a THING. He eats freeze dried krill and chopped clam. He was added last to this tank. The other one we have is very small (1"), and lives in our 90 gallon tanks refugium (10gal). He doesn't bother the brittle stars or snails that are in there, and makes no aggressive action at all. At first with the large CBS we watched him like a hawk since he was always reaching for the fish, but he's been harmless.


I replied to your post on the other forum but I'll repeat myself here (but briefer). I have two CBS and a skunk cleaner shrimp in my 180 tank and I have never had a problem with them getting along or picking on other fish. The CBS will raise their arms to protect themselves if a fish comes too close but I have never had one attack another fish or each other. In fact, the two CBS I have share the same cave! The cleaner can hang around them too until their mandels touch and then the three will separate.
SOme say that the CBS are big time scavengers but that has not been my experience. They come out in the light when I feed the tank and they eat fish food. Plankton seems to be their favorite for some reason but they are not picky.
Again, no problems at all and I've had CBS for over 8 years.


Still been keeping an eye on the CBS and if my Clarkii moves to a different anemone the shrimp is right behind him. Both places there is a cave that both are in...The cut looks bigger today too, it should be healing. Just leads me to think since the CBS is everywhere the clown goes and the cut is bigger that it may very well be the one doing it. Now it looks as though the Clarkii isn't eating as much---he was a pig but now its hard to get him to come out. Just worried, he still looks healthy, besides the cut.


I bought a CB and a cleaner shrimp the same day so that neither one would become territorial. I read that CB shrimp are very mellow when it comes to being with other fish and marine animals, but that they DO NOT get along with shrimp of the same species, unless they are a mated pair. Every thing seemed fine for a couple of weeks but then the CB started being aggresive with my clown, yellow tang, and my cleaner shrimp. One afternoon, I came home to find the CB ($8.00) munching on my cleaner shrimp ($32.00). I could not believe it!! Needless to say, I got rid of the CB (released him into the ocean, and he looked like he was in heaven), and got myself a new cleaner. My new cleaner is great with my yellow tang and my cowfish, hitching a ride on their backs every so often. It's pretty cool to watch. :)


I have 5 shrimp in a 55 with one being a CBS. He has never been agressive toward any of my inhabitants and is truly fun to watch! I can't imagine my tank with out one! If you like them I would suggest getting one, but since others have reported aggresion I would watch him when first added. (by the way the CBS was my second addition.) Good Luck!


just to give an update my CBS has been doing great he just hangs out not bothering anybody.
he is still small though 3in.


my CBS grabbed my small tomato clown and beat it up till it died. i could not believe it the clown was getting too curious i guess


folks, a shrimp is an opertunist and will eat anything it can get a hold of. most fish get away from them to fast but for the unlucky ones well they become dinner. remember survival of the fittest.