coral banded shrimp


Does anyone know where I might get a pair of Coral Banded Shrimp ??
Has anyone out there ever had any luck with them ??
Please e-mail me if You have any suggestions that might help EMAIL] :confused:


Active Member
Welcome to the board, shrimp! I've had a coral banded shrimp in the past in my 45g and have found them quite preditory but very beautiful shrimp. One ate my cleaner shrimp($30) and he consantly harrassed my smaller fish. So, i would suggest not getting one, but others on this board have had luck with them. As they get bigger they tend to look for bigger things to eat and some choose other tankmates. If you really want one, you may want to choose a small one to avoid some potentional problems in the future. What size tank do you have and what are the inhabitents?
As far as where to find one, this site along with many others offer them but you will pay a heafty shipping cost. Have you checked all of your local fish stores? They are usually available. HTH


CBS are great scavengers. I mean... really GREAT. If you have a reef, the CBS will take care of your "fatalities" fairly quickly. Its appetite is enormous and yet... it is fairly aggressive. I would not put another type of shrimp in the same tank unless you have a really big tank. My CBS is quite shy during the day and active at night. She will look for weaker fish. It's actually like a little lobster. Great for adding in beauty of your tank and great asset to your cleaning crew. I personally wanted a pair of blood shrimps so I passed on the CBS in one of my tank. :D


I love my CBS. He by far is my favorit in the tank. The way he walks around with those big pinchers sticking out is alsome to see. As for other shrimp in the tank I have three cleaners in there as well. All 4 shrimp have been in for about 7 months. Now and then I have found the cleaner shrimp have had there antennas clipped, but they grow back. I do feed him frozen brine shrimp from a dropper.
They all know when its time to eat and come to the top of the tank to be fed. I'll hold the dropper in the water and the CBS grabs the end of the dropper with its pincher and I slowly squeez the dropper and he collects the brine in his other pinchers. When he gets a butt load of the brine he lets go and goes back down to his hidding spot.
It is a very cool sight to see.
Now he is mostly a night creature. He will come out sometimes when the light is on but gets very active at night.
I think if you feed the CBS on a reagular bases you won't have any problems. Good luck