coral banded shrimp


Just curious if anyone has had this problem....i watch my tank a lot! when the lights are on and off. I added a coral banded shrimp on the 14th and since i've added him he's only been spotted twice...and that was within the first couple of days. did i happen to just get a really skiddish shrimp or do they usually hide all the time?


I have several Coral Banded Shrimp. It all depends on your particular shrimp. I have had them all over the tank all day and night, and have had them only come out at night too. It seems that when I first put them in the tank, they all hide for a couple of weeks. Try locating it by looking for the antenna's that is how I find mine.


I have a CBS in my 29 and he is very shy. I only see his feelers in the evening and then he comes out breifly at night. Other times, I can't find him.


I've got 5 in my tank and they pretty much show there self all day long. They hide a little, but not much as I thought they would.
When I feed them frozen blood worms or mysis shrimp, they come out of there hideing real quick. cool to watch at feeding time also, because they don't see very well they use there long antenna to pull the food into there claws.


Well, nevermind. Turns out he wasn't shy...he was dead. Since i never saw him i have no idea how long he's been dead. All that's left of him are his claws...found him a little bit ago. Can't figure out what would have done it.


Are you sure he was dead ?? They shed their skeleton about once or twice a month. It could be part of the skeleton. I hope so anyway.


That would be awesome if that were the case, but i'm not gonna get my hopes up. All that's there are all his little feelers, and his 2 front legs with his little claws. I think he's gone to shrimp heaven. =(


Active Member
My'n hides out all the time.But my girlfriends is as bold as they come.He hangs out right out front in her tank all the time.If it was'nt for my cbs's feelers I'd never know he was there.
Hey man he could of just shed because when they do shed they do eat thier old skeleton so maybe u just found part that he didnt eat yet u never know wait it out a few days. he should be fine but i have a mated pair in my tank and they hide all day but come out at night


i have the lights off right now as i am doing a water change and was so happy to see my cbs come out from hiding...woohoooo!!! i did not think that when they molted that that included their feelers!!!!! he only has one claw now though..... :)


The next time he "molts" He will get the claw back. Each time he will get bigger too.
They are neat, but have a "BAD" attitude at times. I love mine !!
Glad to hear your's is fine !!! And yes I have found the feelers too.


They are complete when they there is a good chance he is hidding...just after a molt they are very vunerable and need to hide.
Hopefully this is the case and he will make a apearance in a couple of days.
Originally posted by rmd8110:
<STRONG>That would be awesome if that were the case, but i'm not gonna get my hopes up. All that's there are all his little feelers, and his 2 front legs with his little claws. I think he's gone to shrimp heaven. =(</STRONG>


My CBS is also very shy during the day. I barely see it. I have another tank with two fire shrimps and they are always out in view. :D


Txduckhunter......he's the only one i go to! i even get my water from him. In fact, i've go to head over there in about an hour. There's one in Nederland that i wouldn't step foot in and that's about all we have here.


Member that your real name? lol....i would but i have no idea who to say hello from???? =)