Coral Banded Shrimp?


New Member
I have a coral banded shrimp and i just added two clown fish the shrimp keeps coming over by them i am afarid that he might eat them what should i do? Will he really grab and eat them? Please help i would like to keep both in the tank if i could


Active Member
I had a really mean CB shrimp. He would indeed pinch the fish, sometimes so hard he would hitch a ride across the tank before letting go, but he never really hurt anything.... no more than a pinch hurt. He pinched me everytime I hand fed him. All the fish and him were together for 6-7 years.


My CB hasn't killed anything that I have found out about yet!

He pinches at a few fish just to defend his territory but that's about it.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by tagemw0505
I have a coral banded shrimp and i just added two clown fish the shrimp keeps coming over by them i am afarid that he might eat them what should i do? Will he really grab and eat them? Please help i would like to keep both in the tank if i could
I have kept a CBS with a pair of false percs for close to a year. I don't think he could catch them if he wanted to.


New Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
my cb only killed my arrow crab. everything else he left alone.
I have one that is also on the meaner side... always grabbing at my fish. Totally has the chance to eat them but just aggervates them... I think it did kill my arrow crab tho... one morning he was just dead?? now that i see someone else lost an arrow, Id have to say that CBS are not Arrow crab safe


Active Member
i heard, that those two(arrows and cb's) are mortal enemies, and cannot be placed in the same tank. the funny thing is, my arrow crab was huge. i thought for sure he would mangle the cb if he ever got into a tussle with him.


New Member
i have a cbs and he did kill one of my false percs but i just replaced the perc with another that was a little bigger .In my opinion if he could catch it he will eat it , but every since i replaced the perc everything has been fine.
Everybody has percs and cbs.LOL.