coral banded shrimp


Has anyone ever had a problem with coral banded shrimp?
Ate all my green chromis and what ever else he can get his claws on. How long do they live. I've had mine for six years now and can't seem to add any fish.


Active Member
Do you feed your CBS? You should offer a piece of cocktail shrimp to him one a week or so. CBS may catch a fish but only when a fish is weak due to disease. Once my CBS caught Banngai's cardinal in front of my eyes, but the fish was sick and i noticed it very late.


New Member
I haven't had a problem with mine but I have heard of CBS's that are like yours and just rule the tank. Does he eat the new additions right away. If so maybe you could switch some rocks around to throw off his territory when you add a new tank mate.


I feed my cbs some meaty food and since he isn't hungry, he leaves everyone else alone.