Coral Banded Shrimp


My Coral banded Shrimp has just shed for the first time while it has been in my tank and I noticed it is now missing it's right claw. Does anyone know why or has had the same problem before.


Not sure why it is missing a claw but I had the almost the same thing happen to me with my CBS. I saw a claw laying on the sandbed and thought that my angel had eaten him. I later found him fully intact. Good luck. Sorry no answers from me.


Active Member
yea the same thing happened to me my cbs lost all his legs and claws and he only had 2 back feet and they all grew back so u'll be fine dont worry.


:scared: thanks for the reply, but something else has happened. I went to my LFS and got a few snails, a hermet, and a jawfish, and when I was acclimating them to the tank I noticed my CBS was missing and I turnd over all the rocks looking for him but I didn't see it. A little while after I found it but it lookde crushed and seemed lifeless until I looked at its mouth and it was still moving, is it dead or are all its limbs busted.:help:


that never happened to my CBS but i heard that when they are scared or threatened they lose a claw or 2! mabey your shrimp felt threatened in you tank. sorry about your shrimp, i hope he lives!:)


Same thing happend to mine. He lost his right claw. He did grow it back though It seemed like he grew it over night I was pretty shocked when I saw it. I think he lost it in a fight with my porcupine puffer.