Coral Banded vs. Cleaner Shrimp


Quick question.... i have a cleaner shrimp in my 75 gallon tank right now, and im thinkin about adding a coral banded shrimp. i want to know if i can put them both in the same tank, and if not, can i put my cleaner shrimp in my 10 gallon or is that too small of a tank for the little guy>


Active Member
I've heard of people keeping the two togather with no problems and at the same time heard plenty of horror stories... Coral banded shrimp tend to be mean if they get hungry and it probably wouldn't think twice about eatting the cleaner if it could catch him...


i have both n a peppermint in a 60, they live just fine, even though the cbs has power trips and sometimes lugdes at the others and fish, usual they live in peace, as long as u have enought lr so they are seperated


Active Member
Just wait until your CBS matures. He will take out the other shrimp, I say that speaking of personal experience with a CBS. I have a 55g in which I had a CBS, until I lost three cleaners. I didn't realize who was the culprit until I finally say the CBS in the act. Needless to say the CBS is no longer a member of my tank, and I will never again incorporate a CBS with other shrimp.


Active Member
I have a fire cleaner shrimp and a cbs in the same tank, they are just fine. I use to have a skunk cleaner until my cbs killed it. I would recommend you get a small cbs when you get one. Thats the best way to go!


Active Member
No way to tell unless you're willing to try it. I added a cbs and cleaner at the same time and the cleaner shrimp has managed to kill half my hermits and a spider decorator and my cbs hasn't hurt anything. It's funny, even my arrow crab runs away if the cleaner comes near. Sometimes I think the two shrimp are confused about their duties.


Active Member
I think you are mistaken, Cleaner shrimp aren't killers. How would they kill something. Now, I have seen something dead and the cleaner shrimp eating the dead fish, thats moreless the case.


honestly i think it is as stated before, it's up to u if u want to try, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, i've had my cbs for about 5 months now, it's grown two inches n it's been with the other two for about three, no issues, they just stay in their own areas


i also have both, cbs and cleaner, cbs use to hide out, just in the last few days he has become very visible and the cleaner is at the top of tank and seems to just hang out there, i don't know if he is molting or not doing so good. he is staying up by the air spout from the fluval filter. the cbs is everywhere. Does anyone know if this is normal for the cleaner? He use to be all over the tank and cleaning the fish but now he seems stand offish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salsells
i also have both, cbs and cleaner, cbs use to hide out, just in the last few days he has become very visible and the cleaner is at the top of tank and seems to just hang out there, i don't know if he is molting or not doing so good. he is staying up by the air spout from the fluval filter. the cbs is everywhere. Does anyone know if this is normal for the cleaner? He use to be all over the tank and cleaning the fish but now he seems stand offish.

The cleaner shrimp, will tend to be more aware of the cbs and stay away from it. In my tank, my fire shrimp is all over the tank, but mostly on the opposite end of the tank of my cbs. My CBS stays in a corner of the tank where all the dead snails and hermit crabs end up, He just chills there.


I've had no problems with a cbs and a cleaner shrimp in the same 55 gallon, although I did add a second cleaner and he disappeared 2 laters with no trace


Active Member
Originally Posted by benguck
I've had no problems with a cbs and a cleaner shrimp in the same 55 gallon, although I did add a second cleaner and he disappeared 2 laters with no trace
I had two cleaners and a cbs in my 50 gallon tank and one cleaner got killed. Rule of thumb, One cleaner and one cbs.


I have a cleaner, coral banded, peppermint and fire shrimp all in my tank with no problems.
My tank is a 58gal.