Coral Bandeds??????????


How long have you had it? Most of the shrimp I have had, hide for the first week or 2. While I will not say that I can find mine all the time, he is usually lurking somewhere that I can locate most of the time. Coral Banded shrimp prefer a cave or shaded overhang to hang out on. You might rearrange your rockwork to provide a ledge he can hang upsidedown on where you can see him/her.


Active Member
A lot of them are more active at night than during the day some more than others. His tank mates my also contribute to how active he is during the day.(dose he see them as preditors to hide from or compitition)


Mine is only out at night or during the dawn and dusk cylces of the tank. The rest of the time he is hidden in the rocks.
Coral bandeds will spend alot of their time hanging upside down in little caves in your rock. Ours comes out alot more at night though, probably to search for food. They're cute little shrimp though. Sometimes I will cut off a little piece of silverside and he will come right up and take it out of my hand. You can see he is spoiled.