coral bandit shrimp !


New Member
Our friend has a 100 gallon reef tank, with a male and female coral bandit shrimp.. they laid eggs, about week and half ago, and there must be 100 of them alive in his overflow box ! they are feeding off the algae in the box.. they are about 1/8 inch big.. we've heard its impossible to breed these. Should he attempt moving and raising in a small perhaps 5 gallon tank ? any comments ?


New Member
I would try to breed them..........when u move them make sure u get the water from the orig tank............


Active Member
Edwin why are you giving people advice?
Did I miss something?
To the original question, if it were me I would try, but I haven't read enough to know if it's just a lost cause, but if you get some moved to another tank, it may work. ***I never did this, but it sounds like just another great adventure into SW.*** Give it a try, what would it hurt, seriously?


Active Member
Edit, I guess, just to clarify. A member posted and then deleted, that is where I got my quote from.......