Coral Beauty and Emperor Angel together???


My understanding is they are different enough to not be bothered by the other. I could be wrong so wait on a more experienced angel keeper.


New Member
Yes, in a 265 gal you can have multi angels. Especially if one is a dwarf and the other is a large angel. I've done this and seen it done several times with no issues. The issues start when you have either 2 large angels together or 2 dwarfs together.


Active Member
Yep, I would really doubt there would be an issue with those two. I would even go so far, as to suggest more angels. Don't forget about the 'medium' angels, those in the Genicanthus, whose behavior is more like a tang's then an angels, and would likely not be an issue as well from either angel. However depending on what other tankmates you have, sometimes mixing Genicanthus with tangs (tangs being the aggressor) can be an issue.
Wow thanks for all of the great replies!!!
AquaKnight- i saw that you commented on the other post in fish discussions about "Best Large Angel Fish" that was my twin brother."Fish Freak".. we are talking about the same tank!
Thanks Again everyone!!!