coral beauty angel


Thinking about getting a coral beauty to joinmy two clowns, shrimp, and little blue damsel. I have read that angelfish are grazers, they eat greens. Does this mean I have to get some lettuce or other food for him to feast on if I get him? Or will flake be fine? Or is this another one of those "depends on the individual fish" answers. Thanks for your input as always!


Active Member
You can solve the problem by buying foods for the Angel such as Lifeline Green or Formula 2 frozen cubes (it is a green food). They also make formula 2 green flakes. As a treat I give my angels some green treats (in my case I use Romaine lettuce leafs on a lettuce clip). They are grazers and love a tank with algae to munch on but I have had Angels that live in tanks with very little algae and they do find on what I mentioned above (my blue moon and my majestic in my 135 are almost 5 now and their tank has never had much alage growth)


Yes angels do like to graze.They will munch the algea of your rocks.And they do need some green in their diet to keep them healthy.You can feed it seaweed or maybe romaine lettuce if it will take it.


New Member
I have a coral beauty in a 15 gal FO tank along with a percula clown and red squirrelfish(my personnal favorite) I feed him formula 2, seaweed selects for grazing and he also eats frozen mysis shimp.


New Member
Just a quick question about the romaine lettuce, do you treat it with anything before putting it in the tank?


Romaine lettuce,broccoli, along with anything else you buy at the store for your fish,should be washed off very good before it goes into your tank.