Coral Beauty Angel?


It is safe to use Coppersafe with a Coral Beauty Angel fish? I have read that its not safe for all but but no specifics.


Staff member
What are you trying to treat? And where are you planning on treating?


Staff member
Why not do hyposalinity? Angels are not good candidates for copper treatment. Are you setting up the QT now, or is already cycled? What about other fish?


I have a bar goby, and a chromis. I used some kick ick and it seemed to help a bit, none of the fish now have any really bad break outs but I read in one of your posts that once ick is in your tank it’s in there and the only way to get rid of it is by hypo or copper. I had posted this question before and the responses where pointing towards copper. And as for setting up the QT in that last post you recommended that I use 50% water form tank and 50% new water.


Staff member
Yes, copper and hyposalinity are the only viable treatments. Products like kick ich do not have a good track record.
If you water quality is good in your display, and you can spare to use it for a QT, then go with 100% water from display for the QT.