Coral Beauty Angel


Hello all...
Well, my plan worked perfectly. I have been planning a 10g nano but dreaming of something bigger so I took my wife with me to LFS this afternoon...
She fell in love with the Coral Beauty Angel
Can someone give me minimum tank requirements for such a fish. In my reading I understand that an Angelfish should only go into a well-established tank so I don't plan on returning to LFS tomorrow (or even in the next 6 mos) to purchase the fish but I would like some idea what kind of tank I should hint that I need to house one of these.
(I tried the "Oh, that needs at least a 500g tank" but it didn't work!!)


This site says 50 gallons or larger. Other sites say minimum 30 gallons. Maybe run the idea of a 75 or 100 by her, if she shuts it down, you could always go with the 55. It would still be a good step up from a 10g.


Originally Posted by jdinger29
(I tried the "Oh, that needs at least a 500g tank" but it didn't work!!)
lol it's always worth a shot isnt it
most dwarf angels will need a 55 gallon tank. they are grazers and need the extra swimming/live rock


Great! Thanks for the replies! I will wait until she has had a couple more glasses of wine and run a 75g by her! I can always use the 10g as a quarintine tank!!


Originally Posted by jdinger29
Great! Thanks for the replies! I will wait until she has had a couple more glasses of wine and run a 75g by her!

Good luck though
I would definatley push atleast a 75g.


Sounds like a job for the fish police...LOL

Really, no saltwater fish should be in a 10 gallon aquarium, not even to QT.
A 10 gallon aquarium is made for smaller freshwater fish...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef.Magic
most dwarf angels will need a 55 gallon tank. they are grazers and need the extra swimming/live rock
IMO, this is the most important thing with dwarfs. Not really the tank size but the amount of LR and LS and must be very established with plenty of micro algea and pods ect. liveing in it. These fish cruise the rocks all day feeding and this is where they get most of their nutrition when new and established.
The downside of all that rock is that with the CB, its often not in veiw. Often hidden/feeding back in the rock work but when it is out and about, nice fish.
I understand why you wife liked it because I sure like mine toooooo....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Sounds like a job for the fish police...LOL

Really, no saltwater fish should be in a 10 gallon aquarium, not even to QT.
A 10 gallon aquarium is made for smaller freshwater fish...

Here u go again on another thread. We have already had the 10 gallon debate.
jdinger29 - smaller fish in your 10 gallon would be better. Like firefish, a couple of clowns, a blenny or something like that. JMO
There are lots of things u can do with a 10 gallon nano.

Also if you can go bigger I advise it, this is to addicting to stay small.