Coral Beauty Angels


I just got a Coral Beauty Angel. It says it eats greens. What does that mean? I have the flake and the pellets. :happyfish


Active Member
a coral beauty should eat just about anything. feed spirulina flakes, frozen mysis and brine, etc etc.


Active Member
Greens meaning it's a herbivore and eats veggies. Take a look at the flake and pellets that you have I'm guessing they are mostly meat. Your fish will pick algae off the rocks but it is good to feed it different foods with mostly greens. Asian food stores should cary a seaweed/algae called nori. It's way cheaper to buy from them instead of from fish stores. Read the ingredients and make sure it is 100% that and nothing added. Place some in a veggie clip and watch your fish eat. Some even feed carrots, brocolli, lettuce and other greens but before you do make sure you blanch it a little so that it is easier for them to digest.


I feed mine a bunch of different things. Some of the things I feed him include:
1.) Frozen mysis shrimp- I highly recommend this as a food source. My coral beauty really like them.
2.) Seaweed sheets with a veggie clip- My Coral Beauty shares this with my tang
3.) Algae flakes- I have some spirulina enriched algae flakes which I feed mine as well.
4.) Chopped Fresh Seafood- I chop up some squid, clam, shrimp and put that in the tank. He will eat that as well.
Mine will eat the regular flakes but prefers the other food more. I have never had much luck with any of my fish eating the pellets.
As an aside, I have heard that it is best to alternate foods and not feed them the same thing over and over again. Sometimes I feed them flakes, sometimes seaweed, sometimes frozen, sometimes fresh.