Coral beauty behavior


New Member
Hello! I have a 29G SW tank. I started with 2 Bengaii cardinals and then added a Molly Miller Blenny much later. I have 3 live rocks and 1 regular hole rock. I have 1 1/2 inches of substrate on the bottom. Running a 50 gallon bio wheel filter on the tank.
I just added a coral beauty and a cleaner shrimp (to keep her healthy). Everything I have read tells me that she hides, comes out to eat, and swims to nip at the rocks. MY coral beauty (whom I have had for 2 weeks) swims around the tank, back and forth, up and down the entire time the light is on! She also swims up and skims along the top of the water while going crazy with her fins! She is eating really well and doesn't seem Ill at all.
I just added a golden head goby to the tank 2 days ago and he hides most of the time, but does come out to swim for a few minutes here and there. I didn't notice my coral beauty doing the water skimming until the last few days, so I'm not sure if the skimming the top of the water has to do with the Goby or not. The swimming back and forth has been going on the whole time, though.
So the question my coral beauty okay? Could it be possible she is just a really active Coral Beauty?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Probably because it is in to small of a tank, needs 70gal or bigger. May settle down but the larger it grows it will become listliss stop eating and die. Not trying to be mean but these fish come from the ocean its like you living the rest of your life in your bedroom.


I agree with Limpid you definitely need a larger tank for the amount of fish you have in that tank he might be doing good for now but it will outgrow its residence fairly quick your Goby is a sand sifter I have one they are really cool but they get big also mine is already 3 inches but I have a 125 gal tank they also rearrange your sand quite frequently they hide then come out that's what they do what do you feed your angel? if its flake that's why they skim the top I would add some Nori on a rock rubberbanded so he can forage like in the wild as far as that filter it wont sustane your tank with the amount you have in it if you plan on staying with that size tank in the long run I would go Canister if you plan on bigger then go sump.


Well-Known Member
It sucks but I have to agree to. I have 75 and iam looking to up grade b4 I get my coral. U may want to add a bit more lr they like to graze on it.
I have a coral beauty in my 33 gallon, and it is doing alright. How long is your tank? Mine is 3 feet long. I think that gives it plenty of room to swim. Sometimes mine will do laps at night around the tank.
I would make sure she has plenty of rocks and caves to hide in. I've set mine up so there are tunnels and the fish can get to any area of the tank while concealed in the rocks.
And the tank may also be overstocked too. The only fish I keep in mine is the angelfish & a pair of clowns.