Coral Beauty Eternal Sleep


I lost my coral beauty of two days this morning. I think it was because it was too stressed out. My tank has been up and running for 2 weeks now and I think it was cycled fully. I also have a feather duster, 3 damsels, 1 colony of GSP, one coral banded shrimp and 2 hermits in a 30 gallon tank. Any ideas what killed it.


I think it was way too early to add a Coral Beauty to your tank.
If the tank was not fully cycled, that may have caused the death.
Looks like you rushed into this! IMO
If you only had the CB for two days hopefully your lfs or where ever you purchased the CB will replace him or her, but don't
get another one for a while. JMO


I also lost a Coral Beauty after a couple days. I think he was really stressed. My tank is pretty much established, so thats the only thing I thought it could be.
2 weeks may be a bit soon to add a CB. What are you water params?


Active Member
Is that all you tested for? What about the other important tests. Did you test for Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia and just curious what is your ph value?


Active Member
Sorry for the loss of the CB.
This ia a good time to encourage you and fellow new hobbiest to read extensively before "diving" into the hobby. AS already stated, dwarf angels should not be added to any new aquarium. Needs to be up and running with good water parameters for 4-6 months. In addition, while it is stated that tank was cycled, it was impossible to tell w/o testing for anomonia, nitrite and nitrate. If you wan to improve your chances of success in the future, live rock and live sand will help. Do you have a protein skimmer?
While many use damsels to cycle their tanks, most are very aggressive when adding new fish and I suspect this was also another problem. With all of this going on, the CB never had a chance.
Please read and post more before going any further. Good luck.


your ph should be an 8.0- an 8.3. also, LR does exceptional good for your tank. i suggest getting some asap. LR also adds a variety of colors and "life" to your tank. for the first 4-6 weeks, you should have let your tank cycle out. with LR and LS, you can speed up the process, but not in 2 weeks. you can also get a product called Cycle, which provides needed bacteria for your tank. its a great product and lowers ammonia levels as well. plz get a testing kit that tests all parameter before going any farther. now about the ph. when you get LR, you can buy a product called liquid reactor. its a calcium buffer system. not only does it keep your ph at proper levels, but also strengthens your LR, and sonn to come corals. its a great product. plz test for other parameters. good luck


Ok I need Live Rock you say: How much of it and where?
Ok I need Live Sand: How much and where?
OK i need liquid reactor: Where and how much?
I have no protien Skimmer.
My lighting is horrible.
I think my GSP's are dying because they are turning pale brown.