Coral Beauty+Flame Angel in same tank Possible?


I was wondering if I were to take out my coral beauty and place it into my brothers 20 gal salt. Leave it in there for 2 weeks than get
a Flame Angel and drip them both at the same time in seperat containers and put them in my tank. Would you think that theyed get along? or is it still not possible. If it is possible Id be really happy to have both without them killing eachother.


umm well I had a flame angle and coral bueaty in my 55 gal together they seemed to get along ok, but after having my coral bueaty for about 1-2 months the coral bueaty jumped out of my tank while I was gone and died. Now I dont know if this was because they hated each other because I never really caught them harrasing each other but they both liked to cruze around my tank and I think they would run into each other alot and stress each other out to the point that my coral bueaty tried to grow wings and fly. I would definately advise against it especially in that small of a tank.


you called my tank packed, putting to angels together will stress them out and wouldn't advise it under a 55gal but it's pushing it. I would only put to dwarfs in a 75 minimum.
Just a thought


I had a yellow angel and a rusty angel in my 55. The rusty angel harrased the yellow so moch that it wouldnt leave the corner of the tank. He stopped eating and started to look very thin. I took him out to a qt but it was too late, he didnt make it. Thats just my experience.


New Member
I currently have a flame and a coral beauty sharing space in a 125. I wouldn't recommend doing that in smaller tanks. Need to provide a lot of rockwork. The coral beauty was in the tank first and did not like the addition of the flame. Flame spent better part of two days being chased befor coral tired of harassing him. Both have defined territories now and are getting along fine.


Active Member
IMO, not in a 55g tank. It might work sometimes in some situations for some fish (I find that I need to add a lot of disclaimers this days) but for the majority, IMO, it isn't a good combination.

nm reef

Active Member
I a rule of thumb its not a good idea to mix them. It may be more possible in a larger system...but coral beauties and flames have a tendacy to fight which can lead to an assortment of problems...especially in smaller systems.


you definetly can mix them i have both in a 90 gallon reef and the coral beauty was in 1 month earlier and they're fine.
They look very good together if you only want 1 i would suggest the flame it is a very bright nicly colored fish