coral beauty in 29 gal?


Just wondering if it would be a good idea to put a coral beauty or flame angel in my 29 gal. Just got done cycling- clean up crew has been in there for about 4 days now (4 scarlets, 6 blue legs and 5 turbos). i probably wouldn't add it until I got a couple other fish, but I would like to get one somewhere down the line.


Active Member
Having kept several dwarf angels, my opinion is that a 29 is really pushing it, and is simply too small. These can be active fish once settled and will use every bit of available space. If you plan to have other fish in there, I think the angel would be cramped, and you could even see some pushiness. While coral beauties are among the more tolerant of centropyges, they have that angel attitude and don't like to be crowded. I'd stick with smaller, less active fish that don't need a lot of space. Another consideration would be a cherub angel (c. argi). Stays a bit smaller but can be a terror with smaller fish. If you only have a couple small fish, and a lot of LR for territory, adding this species last might work.


New Member
I have kept a coral beauty in a 29 gallon and he did fine. I have had coral beautys before and they are one of my favorites. They are very hardy, I have had very good luck with them. I have mine in a 55 gallon now, but he lived forever in my old 29. IMHO.


Aren't Angels alittle bit sensitive and shouldn't be added to a just cycled tank?
SWNewb: take another look at the original post