Coral Beauty in a Reef Tank


Hey everyone,
I need your opinions.....Those of you that have Coral Beauty's I need to know if they show signs of aggression and if they nip at your corals. I have a very peaceful tank right now and would like to know what you all think about the Coral Beauty's.


I Have One In My 75 Reef And It Does Not Seem To Bother Anything Seems Very Peaceful Swimming Thru The Rock Work Minding Its Own Business.but Then This Is Just My Coral Beauty They All Have Different Personalities....just My 2 Cents


I appreciate it, this is what I am looking for. See....I had a flame angel but when I started adding new fish he became aggressive and I had to get rid of him, I would like to get another Angel fish but I want to keep my tank peaceful. My lfs has a beautiful coral beauty and a really nice Court Jester Goby and I am torn between which one I should get.


I have a CB in my 120 and he is as peaceful as can be, does't bother anyone or nip at any of my corals.


I only have a 55 gallon tank so I am worried he will become aggressive towards the other fish in my tank


I have a Coral Beauty in a 150g. I started with a Flame and it was way too aggressive. The CB is very peaceful & I haven't seen any coral nipping. I've only had him for a month though


yeah and your tank is fairly large too, so there is much more space for him to be non-aggressive. I am curious to see if anyone has one in a smaller tank.


Active Member
i have a 75 gallon with a CB, 2 clowns,a ping/blue watchman, a kole and soon some wrasses.
so far the CB only seems to have an issue with the pink/blue, but the pnk blue is also a little fiesty. they bat their tails at each other once in a while, but no nipping or real fighting.


yeah thats what I am afraid of, I dont want him forcing some of my fish into hiding, once I got rid of my flame angel, my other fish have become more outgoing and are swimming around much more then they did. Specially my fridimani


Active Member
My CB does not bother anything in the tank, they are one of the most peacefull of the dwarf species.....of course any fish can have its own personality...Mine will on accasion nip at a soft finger leather to see if theres any food attached that it can steal and then moves along, never any damage to the corals.....


Active Member
well, since the PB watchman holds his ground, the CB just whaps its tail, kicks up some sand, and swims away. the CB is though afraid of the kole tang. i guess with your fish, you have to worry about it, but i love my CB and will let them have their dominance spats.


Active Member
I have a cb in my 46 gal mixed reef with no problems. Not having any problems adding fish after it either.


My Coral Beauty is peaceful. I have a 75 and he gets along fine with my corals, maroon clown, mandarin goby and bg chromis. The only thing he ever nips are the snails.


Originally Posted by Johnny84
Hey everyone,
I need your opinions.....Those of you that have Coral Beauty's I need to know if they show signs of aggression and if they nip at your corals. I have a very peaceful tank right now and would like to know what you all think about the Coral Beauty's.
I've had one for about 8 months now. He's not aggressive at all, and, never nips at my corals.