Coral Beauty in reefs


Thanks for all the replies! I'm convinced to give a CB a try. It will definitely be the last fish I put in. I already have two Clowns. A Six Line Wrasse has already been in the QT for two weeks. I'm still not sure about what might be next - if anything a tall. I don't want to overstock. (Any suggestions???) And then a CB at the end.


Active Member
That 6 line might bully fish added after it, so if you do add an angel do it soon, before the wrasse gets his territory too established.
BTW, etcetera
is properly abbreviated etc. (sorry no flame, just a quirk of mine!) :D


My tank is 29gallons, with about 40lbs of live rock, an AquaC Remora skimmer. I have a Fluval which I've decided to not use for filtration as such anymore; will block the in-take tube from getting debris in and just put in some live rock inside and carbon to help with biological filtration. There are 4 power-heads.
I didn't realize Six Lines were so aggressive! I'm hoping an Angel will be able to keep his/her own, but I'm not planning on waiting too long. As soon as the Wrasse goes into the tank (which will probably be this Thursday) I'm putting the next fish into the QT (which will probably be next Thursday. Assuming the LFS I go to has the fish in-stock.)
EDIT: Perhaps I could get a Blenny of some sort? I like the look of the Bicolor Blenny. But I have coral sand, not live sand, on the bottom and I wonder how they'd deal with that! And how does one keep them in the QT where there is no subtrate (though I do have a few pieces of live rock in there.)


Active Member
No problems at all with the Coral Beauty and Flame Angel..... I also keep 2 CB in the same tank... The CB don't cross each others territory though......