Coral Beauty killing my corals


New Member
Anybody have any advice on how to get a Coral Beauty out of a 90 gallon reef without tearing it up too badly.
This fish is nipping way too much on a toadstool and a green finger leather.
Thanks in advance!
1) remove all corals to a bucket of seawater.
2) remove all liverock to a bucket of seawater.
3) using a small pail and a herding device, herd fishy into the pail and remove to a waiting bucket of seawater. Try to avoid using a net.
4) replace all liverock and corals.
5) return fishy to LFS or to a different tank in your system.
It is a pain in the neck removing a fish from your tank. Good luck.


You can try the 2ltr bottle trick. Cut the top of the bottle off where the round meets the side. Then cut the very top of the bottle open a little biger replace the top outside in and place some live brine inside the bottle. The fish might get spooked so you may have to place the bottle inside the tank with out food first and leave it there till they get use to it. Worked for me when I was getting the wrasse out of my tank.