Coral Beauty not eating


I just purchased a coral beauty a few days ago and just now is it moving out from the coral and starting to swim around. But, he still hasn't eaten anything. We've tried flakes and that didn't work and we also have sea weed selects attached to my lettuce clip and still no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions that will help me coax the fish into eating cuz I really don't want to lose him! Thanx in advance!


Try some frozen brine shrimp or mysis shrimp. If you lfs has it, they also will go for live brine shrimp. I bought 1 coral beauty that I never could get to eat and it dies within 4 days of purchase. The next one I got from a better lsf, saw it eat in the store and to this day it is fat and happy in my reef tank.
Good luck.

nm reef

Active Member
Might want to keep in mind that they a sometimes rather shy and can take a few days to adapt to new surroundings......hopefully thats all thats goin on.
Try some frozen brine....or even better live brine. May help him to get started. Mine will eat virtually anything and everything.......and still wants more. Hope yours does well.....mine is without a doubt one of my reasons for going to saltwater from freshwater. I'd always see 'em at the lfs and wanted I've got no freshwater and all sw..... :rolleyes:


New Member
I had a similar problem when I brought mine home a couple of weeks ago. For a few days, it would not come out from under the rocks. Sometimes when walking into the room I would see it swimming around, but it would hide as soon as it saw me. However, after a few days it suddenly started eating. Now it's always out where I can see it and it eats like a pig. Maybe it's just a bit shy.


Sometimes they take some time to get them to eat, mysis or brine should do the trick, but after you get him eatting you need to feed him the green stuff. Good Luck