coral beauty not eating


:help: i've had my coral beauty for 5 days now and i haven't seen him eat or been able to get him to eat. he seems to be acting fine. i have garlic soaked food and he won't eat that or the seaweed i put in. i have alot of algae but it doesn't look like he is eating it either. any suggestions? i heard something about cyclopeeze on here what is that and would my cb eat it? :notsure:


Active Member
it usually takes a week or two for some angels to start eating. Also angels like to zip in and out of LR. This makes them feel more comfortable and at home. how much LR do you have? also, If still not eating try garlic extreme, zoe or some other food additive. then we can go from there.


My Coral Beauty didn't eat for a while (I don't remember the exact # of days, but I remember being really worried and posting about it) when I first got him/her.. or at least that I saw. Hopefully you'll see your CB eat soon. Wish I had more info for you.


Originally Posted by surferb
:help: i've had my coral beauty for 5 days now and i haven't seen him eat or been able to get him to eat. he seems to be acting fine. i have garlic soaked food and he won't eat that or the seaweed i put in. i have alot of algae but it doesn't look like he is eating it either. any suggestions? i heard something about cyclopeeze on here what is that and would my cb eat it? :notsure:
Give him some time,. I didn't see mine eat for over a week, but he is fine now.


Active Member
I have a coral beauty, they need some time to settle in but they will eat pretty much anything you feed. You might think it is not eating but they love and will clean up all algae in the tank.
Mine picks at the live rock all day long, if you have any hair algae on the sand they will clean that up too. The also pick at the back of the glass too. I feed a mix of flakes containing brineshrimp, spirulina, marine flake. I also feed frozen brineshrimp, mysis shrimp, Angel Marine mix.
The more varied the diet the better off any fish will be. I tried the seaweed thing and nothing, you just have to experiment and be patient. It is worth it all, they are beautiful.....


ok thanks for the info everyone! i feel better knowing that it takes em a while to adjust. do u think it would eat frozen blood worms?


Active Member
Bloodworms are more for freshwater fish. I would not feed them that. Try some frozen brine when you feed the tank and see if it will come out for this. I would recommend that when you do this dump in the brine and stand back and watch, it might feel nervous right now with you standing at the tank.
Good luck......


ok thanks Debbie. the reason i asked about bloodworms is because my lfs said thats what they had been feeding it along with algae strips. and a mysis and brine the same thing i almost bought brine but wasn't sure.


This is my first posting here - I hope it works. I got lucky with my coral beauty. I wasn't going to get one because of what I had read - picky eaters. But, I happened across a small one at ***** (yes, *****!) that was eating flake food! He's not like any other corals I've seen - he has a big blue spot on his sides (same color as his borders). I'm wondering if he's a juvie? Anyway, he will not eat brine shrimp, but does pick at the live rock. I hope your fish learns to eat soon.