Coral beauty or flame angel


What is easier to keep, a coral beauty or flame angel? I had a coral beauty once and lost her to ick. My tank has been set up about six months longer now and the levels should be okay. I will check this before adding the fish, but everything else I have in there seem to be fine. I have a 55g with lots of lr, a few corals, tang, firefish goby, and longnose hawk.


I've had both and currently have a Flame. In my experience, they are both easy to keep as long as the water quality is good. Plenty of LR is essential as they will graze all day. I recently added a Kole tang as my final fish and he follows the the Flame all over. He is kind of like a big baby Huey! Its funny to watch.

nm reef

Active Member
Most posts I've seen indicate they are equal...both need a mature system with plenty of LR to graze on...and both seem to have a reputation for nipping some corals. In the past I've kept a coral beauty with absolutely no trouble. It was lost while transferring tanks. Just recently I found one of each available that have been together for 3+ years in a well stocked 120 gal reef...they were returned to a LFS where I do a lot of business...apparently the previous owner had to move cross country and returned the angels along with all of his other livestock. To get to the point...I purchased them both for my reef...and so far they are great.


I've had a coral beauty for awhile and she has been very healthy. I think I remember reading in a book (think it was the Conscientious Marine Aquarist ) that finding a healthy CB can be more difficult than other drawf angels. I got my CB before reading that book so I felt I got lucky with mine. If you do get a CB, my advice is to have lots of caves/arches for it to swim though. My CB rarely swims in open water, she prefers to swim the tank by using the arches and tunnels in my rockwork.

mr. tuna

Active Member
i have both in my 92, and they are very friendly, and get along great! But, you should have lots of LR, because they like having their own territory, because if not..then they will fight.
They are both easy to keep if you have lots of LR, and your water quality is always stabalized.