Coral Beauty or Flame Angel?


Active Member
I am concidering keeping one of these fish, but I am undecided as to which one that I want. Both are beautiful...and I know that I should not keep both in the same tank.
It's a reef with soft corals (mushrooms and ricordeas).
Which angel would be better and why?


Active Member
I think the risk is realistically about 70% they'll be Ok with corals. I've had a coral beauty for about a year and a half and love it.


I had a Coral Beauty for about 4 months. It never touched my mushrooms, but It did start nipping on my leathers and zoos so I had to get rid of him :( They are both pretty fish though. I want to get a flame now.


I only had was one coral beauty had him for about 4 years but I will probably not get another he has the biggest additude for a such a little fish mine is wrost than my triggers as far is that goes he never hurt a coral or clam I figure after pointing at him all those years he might stop with the other fish but no this method does not work with him. he is just as bad as yellow tangs so I put them together LOL so they can fight all day long after that the two fish just argue among each other as far as flame I never had one but I would try it over the coral beauty and see what happends but would of got rid of the coral beauty but I had him for so long and he was my first fish but he reminds me of me like to have his way.


Active Member
You might want to also get a royal gamma or one of the very colorful reef safe wrasses. Most of these fish stay small...about 4 inches or so.
In my 65 gallon I have two damsels, a flame angel, a bicolor blenny, a blueside fairy wrasse and a sixline wrasse. My new wrasse is also know as a velvet multicolor wrasse. He is so cool....His head is a hot fushia pink fading to a purple behind the gills. His body color is a royal blue on the underside with an orange mixed with purple in the middle of his body and orange and blue on his dorsal fin. Really unusual. Get a male if you get a wrasse as they have more color than the females. My new bicolor blenny has a really cute personality. He watches your every move from his hole in his rock and is a lot of fun to watch. Lesley


I used to have a flame angel, and now I have a coral beauty. Their personalities are very similar, and I always used to think that the flame angels were better looking fish, however when I saw this particular coral beauty at the store I had to have him and now greatly prefer him over the flames.