Coral Beauty Question.(promise this is the last one)



so most likley the last post on a fish list for a 40 gallon. so i have decided to get a coral beauty since i only had one bad expeirence. ok, so my question is will it get along with my 1 true percula and a dragon goby in a 40 gallon strech hexagon? please answer because i would just like this long process of buying fish over so i can just enjoy my tank for a little while.


ok, just asking cuz i read that a clown pair messed up a coral beauty. i dont have a pair but it is always good to ask just in case.


Tank might be a little small for a Coral Beauty but thats kinda hit or miss. Fish compatibility is fine. Anyway you could post a pic of that Dragon Goby??? I've never heard of that...


yeah it seems fine and coral beautys usually don't need big tanks. Also if the dragon goby is a mandarin that is not ok. Although by your picture it doesn't look like it is. Overall I think your good. You could probly put in another clown to make a pair but i ma no expert.


oh i forgot to mention, it is a reef. yes, i know, it is a 50/50 chance, but i read that they will eat zoos. is this true?


Originally Posted by Nemo_66
ok, just asking cuz i read that a clown pair messed up a coral beauty. i dont have a pair but it is always good to ask just in case.
I have had a coral beauty and a pair of percs together for about a year, first in a 55g and now in my 110g. If anything the coral beauty is the more dominant of the three. They are all about the same size, the second perc is a little smaller but still close. I recently added a sailfin and the coral was the one who squared off with it, and "welcomed it." So from my experience I think you would be ok.
By the way what else do you have in there (sorry I must have missed your previous posts).


all i have is a dragon goby, which is not a maderine and one true percula. i dont plan on adding any other fish. just the simple fish list.


ok, so its offical, i am going to get one this weekend if my LFS has a healthy one that eats. thanks for the help, and if there is anything else i need to know, please inform. thanks


Active Member
Nemo, I had a coral beauty in my 37gal for almost 2 years. She always did great, never bothered my corals, and really was the "mom" of my tank. If things went wrong (like a powerhead falling for instance) she would go around checking to make sure everyone else was ok (or alive...IDK). She was actually one of my first newbie mistakes in putting her in as my 2nd addition after my clowns...but never a problem. The only reason I lost her was during a tank transfer a couple of weeks ago, she got so tangled in the net going from bin to the new tank, that she got injured and died. I will definitely go with another coral beauty.
Best of luck with yours. Just make sure you acclimate properly, and post pictures!!
Lisa :happyfish


ok, will do monalisa. wow, im so exited today! going and getting a coral beauty. im going to drive my mom mad taking her to like, 3 petstores to see which one looks the