coral beauty question


New Member
My coral beauty seems to be afraid of my overhead fish tank light. Every time I switch the light on, the coral beauty hides. Is this typcial, or should I be concerned?


Is this something new that he's doing? Or is he a new fish to your tank?
The reason I ask, is my fish have become "frightful" after I did some serious rock movements in my tank last week, and they are just now starting to act normal again. It will probably take them another few days to become completely normal.


Active Member
Are the lights on a timer? If not you should really consider getting one. All fish are startled by the light, especially if a large them, is turning the lights on, but if on a timer they get use to the "norm", such as when the sun comes up in the morning at certain times your body is use to the light shining in the windows. Also a light timer is always at work, even if you decide to sleep in.
If the fish is new to the tank, this is a usual occurrence. Give the fish more time to adjust.