Coral Beauty question


So I have been wanting to get a coral beauty for awhile now. From what I have read, it should get along with the current creatures in the tank (1 maroon clown, 2 firefish, 2 emerald crabs, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 skunk shrimp, handful of hemits). My problem is, my tank is tall, not long. Does the coral beauty need a longer tank to swim in? I have read conflicting info on min tank size....I have read on a couple sites that it needs at least a 55 gal, and on other sites a min 30 gal...I have a 47. I have also read conflicting information on the coral beautys compatibility with coral. I don't have much as far as coral goes right now, but once I can upgrade my lights I would really love to start getting some coral.
Thanks so much for everyones help in advance! I just don't want to put anything in my tank that won't do well.


A coral beauty should be fine with your setup. They're usually fine with corals, as long as they're provided with ample food and live rock to graze from throughout the day. They do not do well in newly established tanks, or tanks that are not fed on a regular schedule. Other than that, they're a fairly easy to care for fish and usually don't bother corals or other tank mates.