Coral Beauty Questions


I just added my Coral Beauty to my reef on Thursday. He hides a lot in the rocks and also appears to doing some sort of headstand in the crushed coral... I dont think he is eating. Is this normal behavior for them?


my coral beauty hid for about 2weeks,then he finally came out. he still hides alot i dont know about doing a headstand??? does he look sick? and try feeding him frozen brine shrimp.

the claw

Active Member
They do tend to be shy at first and then get better and better. The headstand thing I'm not sure about unless he thinks he is hiding.

who dey

Active Member
mine isn't shy at all! infact he's all over the place and eats like a pig. try dosing you food with some garlic to stimulate his appetite!
How old are your tanks? I bought a CB 3 weeks ago, put it in my 3 week old Quarantine Tank. Two days later, it got an ICK and died...Was it beacuse thye tank was new that time? I was planning to put it in my main/reef tank.

who dey

Active Member
sorry paul!!! as far as beauties go. they need lots of rock work with really cool formations to swim through. mine is only 2 months old in my tank but a hungry fish is a healthy one and he would bite :D a hook if i threw it in!!!!!


he never ate. I got him on Thursday and all he did was stay in 2 spots. i dont know what to do. I tested my water and everything looked good. I did a few top off over the last few days and did a 4 gallon water change tonight. All of my corals are doing good, so I dont think it was water quality. I ordered the fish online, so it could have just been the supplier.
As far as rock work, I have tons (110 lbs)


When I came home tonight he was hiding in his same place as usual. then an hour or so later I looked over and I thought he was swimming out in the front of the tank. Turns out the current just pushed him across the tank where he was lodged underneath my Yellow Fiji Leather

who dey

Active Member
you do have tons but the key is spaced out rock formations. don't take this the wrong way... your rock looks great but it is kinda like one big mountain without any caves!! tank looks pimp though!!


He actually had a nice size cave right underneath my favia. Pretty big space for him to chill in. Plus, when I first got him, he wa also hanging out between the rock in the back and the tank wall. There are a decent amount of hiding spots in there believe it or not


I wold kind of consider the back of my tank a cave also. The rock is about 2 inches from the back glass until I get to the top of my tank where my rock, for the most is touchng the glass. So, sort of like one big long tall cave with a lot of access to to nook and caverns leading to the front of the tank. My blennie hides in them all day long. Maybe you are right, but to put a Coral Beauty in a tank and to have him last for only 4-5 days... Something is wrong with him...
He wasnt in my tank for 1 day when he was doing this crazy headstand stuff.

who dey

Active Member
well it is highly possible it was either a supplier issue or stressed while shipped!!! it can always be a gamble!! i'm a skeptic :D


that was my first "online" purchase. the supplier foprgot my copperband butterfly, gave me a dying coral beauty, and the yellow polyps are basically falling off of the rock he gave me. Started out with maybe 15 polyps. Now I am down to about 5
Not a good first experience


Coral Beauties are one of the hardier dwarf angels but in my opinion all dwarfs do much better in an established tank. In my experience, in less established tanks they tend to get stressed out, ie ick, etc, and die. I have never bought online so you could have gotten a sick fish. However, a long acclimation process and an established tank goes a long ways. I learned the hard way, on more than one occasion. This is not to say it can't be done, just my experience.