coral beauty vs fire angel


I am interested in getting an angel for my tank. I have all peaceful fish. These fish are both so pretty. Does one have any major advantages or disadvantages over the other?


coral beauties are a little more peaceful and i prefer the coral beauty i have one they are very pretty. good luck when u get one


Active Member
I think the flame angel is much prettier, but I have a flame and he is a little aggressive.


I agree with puffer. I recently added a Coral Beauty to my tank...brilliant blue/violet (can;t see the violet, I'm wife had to tell me) with golds. I had 2 GSM's and 2 Pajama Carinals in there to begin with. I had heard that angels could be a bit aggresive...not the case with this Coral Beauty. It's fit right fact, it seems to hang out with my larger GSM. hasn't messed with any of my inverts...a few little nibbles have taken place, but no damage.


I have a Coral Beauty and he's not agressive at all. Even swims around with my Yellow Tang all the time. I've had a Flame a long time ago and found him to be a bit agressive. Obviously the colors are more intense but the colors on the Coral Beauty are brilliant as well. I usually go for the non-agressive fish anyway so I'm very happy with him. he was hard to get to eat at first but after 5 days he hasn't stopped since. Hope you enjoy whatever you decide on.


I have a coral beauty and it is a very peaceful fish. He gets along with my clowns very well. He loves to swim around alot of rock work and he eats just about anything I throw in the tank. :happyfish


I have a Flame angel and he hasnt bothered a thing. When people come over to the house they immediatley notice that fish, he stands out with the bright colors.


Active Member
i've had 2 coral beauties and would love to have another, except that slot is taken up by a beautiful flame angel right now


Flame angel hands down...
But make sure you get one from Tahiti, they are the "reddest", or one from the Marshall Islands, they are the next "reddest".
I am not exactly sure where the Hawaii one is in the scale....