Coral Beauty!


Active Member
Picked one of these up today! Sure is a nice one too! I've been keeping an eye on it to see if it picks at anything it's not supposed to. I picked the CB because it's the safest dwarf for a reef, at least according this site and a couple of books I read.
Sure am happy with it so far and the best part is, my wife loves it! (I can see that 250gal in my future!)
Just wanted to share my happiness!!!


congrats! i was stuck between the cb and the flameangel but ended up choosing the flame. if i could i would love two have both though. the cb ( if you get a nice one) is a beautiful fish! good luck
flame :D :D :D


Active Member
Wish I could post pics. I've got a scanner with my new puter, but haven't been able to figure out how to post the pics. I don't have a digital camera so all I've got is pics I took with my 35mm. (None of CB yet either.)
Thanks for the warm thoughts. The lfs had 5 of them in different tanks and I walked around for a half hour trying to decide which was the best! Anyway, I think this is the last fish for my tank and wanted to make sure I got a good one. I'm real happy with it so far. BTW, I've got a 55gal with 120lbs of lr. Fish: t.r. Perc, Lawnmower, 6-Line,Bangaii and my new CB. Also have various corals and several shrimp along with the clean-up crew.


Hey Dan,
Congratulations on that Coral Beauty....those are really really nice. I was stuck wondering if I was going to get a Flame Angel or a CB and decided on the Flame however I definitely think you made the correct choice simply cuz those Flames are awful on corals.


I have one of each, a coralbeauty (one of my first fish of course!) and a flame angel. I have had the CB for over 5 years. It has been a great fish from day one! I have had the flame angel for three years. They live in different reefs. The flame angel can pick at open brains when she is not feed enough. The CB has never picked at anything.
They are both wonderful fish.


New Member
I also have a coral beauty and a flame - in 2 separate tanks. Although the flame was love at first sight (the reason I got into salt water), I now like my coral beauty just as much. They're both really active and love to pick off the live rock.
Congrats & good luck with your CB they are one beautiful fish. Ive got one thats done just fine aside from a few fights(nothing serious) with my Halfblack angel :D

nm reef

Active Member
Congrads on the coral beauty...I've got one in my reef and its a great addition.....mine has not been a problem in any way......he likes to cruise around with his pal the red coris wrasse.....while the wrasse is out they are practically inseperable.....after the wrasse goes under ground the coral beauty will sort of hover near his sleeping spot until morning when the wrasse comes out...