coral beauty


Active Member
To all those folks that have Coral Beauty Angels can you tell me what type(s) of foods do you feed?


Active Member
Once setlled, they eat just about anything. Be sure to offer it regular feedings of greens (nori, spirulina, etc.) A variety of meaty foods; mysis, chopped clam, mussel, plankton, bloodworms, Marine Cuisine, Emerald Entree', etc.. They also s[pend a lot of time scouring the rocks for algal film, and get some nourishment from this.


i have mine 3 wks now
i feed a cube of mysys shrimp and alternate with angel and butterfly diet (frozen)


New Member
I love the Coral Beauties :cheer:
Aside from a tendency to get ich as soon as you put them in a tank, they are very easy to care for. They seem to take to flake food and are good take mates. I find mine pecking at alge on the live rock all the time.


Originally Posted by dustysage
I love the Coral Beauties :cheer:
Aside from a tendency to get ich as soon as you put them in a tank, they are very easy to care for. They seem to take to flake food and are good take mates. I find mine pecking at alge on the live rock all the time.
I've had a severe case of ICH w/ an atlantic blue, fox face, naso, trigger, blue hippo, and 9 more and the only fish that never cought ICH was my coral beauty and a 6 line wrasse and I also had a flame angle which everyone says is bad to do but they got along great. I feed the coral flake, pellets, multi pack frozen food and freeze dried brine. GREAT fish to have.