coral beauty


Active Member
I bought this fish this past tuesday and it hasnt eaten anything that I try to feed it, my question is is that it is always eating algae off of the rocks is this enough food or should I be worried? Sorry if I put this in the wrong section.


ask you lfs what they feed him flake and frozen should be ok try algea sheet
good luck
always ask to see the fish eat before you buy it ....................


salt210, I have a Coral Beauty, and he always pecks at the algae. That isn't enough for him though. I agree with alyssia, try foods with garlic in it. My Coral Beauty started on flakes after a few days. I have had him for a few months now and he is a PIG. First one diving after the food before the others realize it is there. It will be fine. None of my fish can resist the garlic


Active Member
My coral beauty angel has eaten very well since the day she went into the tank...almost a year now. I've always given her Formula II flakes with garlic, plus, of course a variety of other things after she acclimated to the tank.
How long has your beauty been in the tank? If you just got her, it could be she just needs to establish herself in her new environment...Oops, sorry just reread your post. Give her time. What other tank mates do you have for her? Tank size, etc.? Acclimation process? These things can all impact the time it takes for her to get comfy.
Good luck, and keep us posted.
Lisa :happyfish


she will most likely be fine, as Mona said, let her get comfy, I still recomend some garlic food to entice to eat


Active Member
where can I find foods with garlic? The tank is a 210, shes in there with a Blue hippo tang, dogface puffer, volitan lionfish, harlequin tusk and some various damsels that havent been eaten.


Active Member
speaking of garlic, im assuming it will work if i buy the unflavored, most natural variety of minced garlic and mix that with the food? my LFS doesnt carry any garlic products.
as far as the CB goes, they can be either very shy or very bold. mine is easily the shyest fish in the tank, always in the rock work etc... she eats pretty much anything now and cant really remember how long she was in the QT (which you should be using if you are adding fish to a 210g , you will be sorry if you dont!). some fish can take a few days to settle in and feel comfy enuff to eat.


I'm not sure about raw garlic. There are foods that come with the garlic already in it such as spectrum and formula's 1&2, there are also liquid garlic supplements, such as garlic extreme, that you soak the food in. If you havn't seen any of them at the lfs, just ask one of the sales people. There are so many products available with garlic I am sure there werehouse must stock one of them.

tank watch

I have had a coral beauty for months now. I dont think she has ever eaten anything I have fed the fish. She seems content to pick the rocks. she looks healthy.


My beauty took about a week & a half to feed with the others. At first I thought the same that she was not eating but when I feed them she would stay behind a rock near the feeding area & eat what came down to her, now shes a pig. I was really worried at first to but she'll come around. FYI my beauty eats the same as my clowns shes not picky at all
I do use garlic as well & they love it.


I've have my CB for about 2 weeks and she loves spectrum. She always has came running for it. Just give her time.


Active Member
my c.b. eats some mysis but not alot, he likes brine, vegie cubes and veg flakes.
he took a couple of days to start eating when i first got him home.