Coral Beauty


I'd like to add a coral beauty to my 65g that's been up for almost 4 months now. Currently I have 2 false percs a yellow tang, a cleaner shrimp and a colt coral.
Does anyone see a problem? ... or any comments/experiences with the angel?


I would take out the tang and then add the angel. Tangs need tanks that are 6 feet long. Other than that I see no problem. Ive never had a coral beauty, but you can use the search feature located in the upper right side to find out more info.


thanks ... plan on replacing my tang at some point ... but it is still pretty small, so it should be okay for a little while.


New Member
Having not kept corals yet myself, I have heard that dwarf angels can acquire a taste for corals. I don't know if that limits them to certain kinds or if they'd begin a see-food diet (they eat everything they see). Your choice may depend on if you want to risk the colt coral you have now or any others you plan to add in the future.
Like I said, I haven't tried corals yet. Someone with more experience could offer better advice.
Coral beauties are magnificant too look at and I definitely cherish mine...but you know what they say: every rose has its thorns. :)


Active Member
Seeing as you only have one coral I would give the Coral Beauty a shot. You are not giving the angel a coral buffet so I like your chances. You are not going to get a straight answer of whether or not the angel will be reef safe. Hit or miss.


Active Member
Should be ok with it as long as you have plenty of live rock for the Angel to graze on....Often Dwarf Angels take time to accept prepared food, my Coral Beauty didn't eat what I offered for about a week, but he grazed the LR....Colt Coral should be safe, they are very noxious....Here is a picture of my Coral Beauty with a Colt Coral and Umbrella.



nice pic kjr_trig ... so I guess you never ahd problems with your colt and beauty? Has the angel given you problems with your other corals?
I planned to go get my beauty this morning ... if I do, I'll post a pic.


Active Member
should be fine with a cb. the cb i hv in my fowlr likes to nip on xenia. normally if it does eat corals, it will only be a few there and there. if u hv lots of rocks, shouldnt be an issue at all.


my yellow tang is playing king of the hill and seems to be bullying my angel ... I've read that they will need to establish a "new pecking order", but ... how long should this last? is there anything I need to look for that would warrent concern ?
I caught my tang red handed ... my angel is swimming into a hole to avoid the tang...


Active Member
A dominant Tang is almost always brutal to new additions....Coral Beauty looks great!
The Yellow looks just a bit thin. Are you getting him plenty of "greens" and supplementing him with Vitamins (Selcon, Zoecon, etc.)?


I always have a piece of lettuce or nori in the tank, also feed spirulina pellets, flakes and mysis ... it must be the angle of the pic cause i don't really think he's not that thin ... not really supplementing with vitamins though ... are Selcon/Zoecon flakes?


Active Member
Originally Posted by r1v2c
I always have a piece of lettuce or nori in the tank, also feed spirulina pellets, flakes and mysis ... it must be the angle of the pic cause he's not that thin ... not really supplementing with vitamins though ... are Selcon/Zoecon flakes?
They are liquid vitamin supplements, you just add a few drops to the food, let it sit for 10 minutes or so and then feed. I believe Selcon is a little better as it contains more fat/protein. I would say, yes it is a good idea.
Why is the word protein not "i" before "e", except after "c"
....Just wondering.


Active Member
Originally Posted by r1v2c
lol ... good question !
any idea how long my yt will chase my angel?
My Achilles Tang used to go psycho for about an hour or 2, we're talking all out torture of the new arrival. Just be kind of mean for a day or so after that, then gradually leave the new fish alone.....Sure he is just letting him know he is the boss.


Active Member
Yellow tangs are very dominate oriented fish. Could take a few days for things to calm down, could never be peaceful. In such small acreage it could be disastrous. Only time will tell. Many people suggest to add yellow tangs last for this reason.
Your coral beauty is a beautiful one, just be sure to supply the tank with dried seaweed, or nori, to help the tang and the coral beauty with added greens. I have a coral beauty in my tank, which is a full reef.....lots of coral, and he has been a model citizen.
Funny though, my coral beauty is the one that always chases any new additions, it's definitely the bully of the tank.
You say it is shy, mine is really shy and rarely comes out in the front of the tank, it stays mostly in the rock work, but comes out....just not as focal as the yellow tang.