coral beauty


I got one the other day to add to my 55 gallon which has only a gold bannded maroon clown, corals snails, herimts and 3 or 4 baby starfish and a decent sized serpent star.
What is he supposed to eat? He dosent seem intrested in algea clips or the brine shrimp I soak in vitachem and feed the clown.


Wow mine eats anything and everything! I feed formula one and two and Reef Formula or whatever it is called. Also krill, superba, bloodworms, and freezedried brine.
I would try formula two and see if he likes that. Alll my fish seem to go crazy over that particular meal.


Don't get too concerned about him being finicky, mine was at first as well. I finally saw him activly eat at feeding tonight, a week after purchase. I feed Formula one and two in the day and at night I soak brine and reef plus with vita chem, garlic, and fatty acid supplements. He still could care about the algea clip I have, or at least I don't see him eat it. Do you have LR? Mine would forage all day and pick at the LR. I have noticed his color becoming more vibrant and he is not as shy and like I said he went after the food tonight. Good Luck, they are beautiful.


Active Member
My CB also took about 4 days to eat. Give it time and keep us updated, in the mean time soak the food in garlic (it may help). Like stated above I have used marine cuisine or emerald entree along with brine and more greens. I have noticed that it takes angels a few days to just get "comfy". HTH
mine also eats a lot....I try to feed it a variety........I feed it krill, blood worms and does the trickity