Coral Beauty


Active Member
Coral beauty is a fine selection.
Normally wouls suggest 5-6 months before adding. In this case should be ok if all is good in tank after about 3 months or so. After cycle would add perc and wait 3-4 weeks , then add goby. Wait the full 3 months and add the cb. Make sure there is plenty of LR. Good luck.


I have a CB in a 29 gal. His tank mates are very close to what you have listed. He is healthy and has been for 7 months. IMO they need more room to run. Mine uses every inch of the 29 gal.
It ended up being a balancing act between the quantity of live rock and room for swimming. I'm getting a 75 gal next month.
The fish is healthy but maybe happier in a larger tank. Gather opinions cuz this is just 1. Good luck


good luck with getting the CB, they are beautiful fish. If my pufferfish wasn't such a messy eater I'd definately add one to my system but I'm in a bit of a battle with my nitrates right now :(


My coral beauty constantly will nip at soft corals :( Anyone local want him?


did you have any problems with your royal urchin knocking things over or eating coraline algae?
i had a longspined urchin that did both of those things. would love to know what your experiences have been with the royal, along with others on the board. they are pretty cool, and hey, who couldn't use something that will eat hair algae?


hasn't knocked anything over and have had him for 3 months. Since he's gone thru all the hair, now he's going for the coralline.