Coral beauty


I currently have a coral beauty inside my 25 gal hex. It is a mature fish. Very beautiful i might add! Anyway i have a good amount of live rock in the tank and the only other fish in the tank is a false perc. They seem to get along well. I am getting a 55 gal soon and i am going to put her in it. In your opinions will it be ok for a few months in the 25 gal? It willbe 1-2 mos. til i get the tank set up then 1-1.5 mos. to cycle and about another month to mature. In all it should be about 4-5 mos. before im able to put her in a bigger tank. will she be ok til then?


Damn, I got mine in a QT 20 gallon. She'll be there for at least 3 weeks till she checks out. she's only about 2" and what a beauty!
I've got a cleaner shrimp in there for company.


Active Member
wow i wish people would research their fish before they purchase them, would make things muh easier.


your ok for a weak or two I believe I have to say one thing about it your coral beauty will be mad at you believe me she will get you back I promise mine is just about 5 in had mine for about 4 years my first fish I ever had so I kept it but will not get another I promise you that !!! my coral beauty is not the biggest fish in the tank but he has all the say its kinda funny he tells my large angel what to due I think someday I am going to have one huge fight with the two. that fish doesn't know its the littlest dog in the fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
But Sid, fish aren't one of us humans. They're fish and they'd rather be left alone, or at least put in a proper tank. They're taken from the wild by people who think it's okay because they're human.
That's the problem; us humans think we can get away with almost anything! The sheer visual size of this animal is an obvious indication that a 25-gallon hex is not appropriate for such a wild-caught creature.
I understand mistakes are made, but understand that it if people insinuate you're being irresponsible, it's because they want you to know. The lives of exotic fish are worth more than someone's bruised feelings.


Active Member
You have been at SWF for a little bit now, and you should know to research before you buy. Sure we get impulsive at times, and that is ok. But when things like this happen and a fish being stressed out is avoidable, it just upsets me.


I have done research but it is hard to make decisions when everyone has a different opinion. The tank is not as small as you think the perimeter is 63in and 23in tall. Remember i have no intention of keeping this fish in this tank permanently, only to house it while i work on the 55 and get it set up!


Yes people do have differing opinions. But when you get multiple similar responses from SWF board regulars, its saying something.


I think your fine... My Marine fish book says 30 gal tank and your within the recomended size limit being he's not full grown. He's better off there then the over crowded 20 he was probably in at the lfs. You'll fix him up good when you get your 55 on line.


Active Member
jwtrojan is right about angels. Take your time before you transfer it to the 55g. I lost a nice coral beauty rushing it to a young tank. She will be just FINE in the 25 for a few months.
The nastiness that comes out on this board toward people is appalling somtimes. The "you didn't research your fish before you got them, so it's OK for me to be rude to you" attitude is NONSENSE. Stop it.


Active Member
Of course it will be ok.....maybe not the happiest fish in town, but a live one. I don't know why people are so pessimistic here. After all we are talking about one clown fish and a pygme angel.
I don't think it should take as long as you say....I would put live sand and cured live rock in the 55 gallon when you get it to help the cycle go faster. When you move your two fish into it bring the live rock and sand or gravel with them as well.
Ten days ago I purchased a bicolor blenny and decided to put him up in a 25 gallon tank to quarentine him. I purchased an 18 pound cured live rock at LFS ($91 with tax for one rock!) and a 15 pound bag of live agronite sand was placed on the bottom. Purchased a new Emperor hang on filter with a biowheel on the back and poured in some cycle liquid bacteria. Used newly purchased saltwater from the LFS. put the blenny in ten minutes later. I am waiting for the thing to cycle......twelve days later the amonia and nitrite are still zero. I have tested it daily...never more than zero. Two days ago I added a velvet multicolored wrasse to the the little quarentine tank and still no amonia or nitrites.....nitrates only 5 to 10 ppm. tonight. I did do a 5 gallon water change on days 5 and day 11 in which I vaccumed the live agronite sand. I also add a cap full of cycle bacteria every other day after putting in the innitial recommended dose. I am being careful like this because I did not cycle this tank at all and I fully intend to keep these two fish alive. I call this my no cycle cycle! The two fish are eating and very active. I think the biowheel really helps here.
I think it is possible to start with a lot of live sand and fully curred live rock and a very low bioload of fish without a harsh cycle. Time will's my experiment. So far so good. From what I have read the amonia in a new tank should have shot up
in the first few days. Mine is zero. In my mind a slow cycle like this can be obtained with an innitial low bioload and lots of biologically active things like I mentioned added in the beginning.
By curred live rock I do not mean the rock that is shipped and said to be pre-curred as it will still have some die off releasing amonia after shipping. I mean the kind that has been in the LFS tank for a long enough that no die back will occur in your tank...This is usually more expensive than the shipped rocks. I guess it just depends on how much money you have and how anxious you are to put your fish in the new tank.
Hope all goes well for you, and I would get your 55 gallon set up asap, but don't loose sleep over the two fish in the 25 gallon!


Thanks lesley! Im keeping the 25 gal though. Its gonna be a while til i get the 55 running though cause we're remodeling so that will take about a month. :D


Active Member
a gallon? thats the size of a small fish bowl. Thats the most horrible thing i have ever heard.
You people are forgetting, or just not reading that it is a hexagon tank. That means different dimensions than a long or tall rectangle. Meaning less swimming room.
When a fish needs alot of swimming room, it is from side to side. Not top to bottom. The tank is just unsuitable. It may last for awhile but IMHO i beleive you are wrong in keeping it in something that small.


New Member
A Coral Beauty is a 'reef fish' not an open water fish. The Fish will be fine in the hex tank with a low bioload. As long as the water parameters are good. I'm not saying the move to the 55 when possible isn't the best choice but for the timeframe he stated it will be fine.
Frankly, his setup is almost positively better than the environment at the LFS.
And lets not forget that this board belongs to a livestock retailer who can only survive by making money selling fish and supplies. So as mods go through and delete links to other retailers they should probably go ahead and delete some of these posts scaring people with anything under a 180 gallon tank away from everything bigger than 2 inches. No one out there has a tank big enough to simulate a fishes natural environment so in essense were all mean or whatever.
Sid enjoy your Coral beauty it will be fine in that hex tank until you move it to the 55 gal.



Originally posted by aarone
a gallon? thats the size of a small fish bowl. Thats the most horrible thing i have ever heard.
You people are forgetting, or just not reading that it is a hexagon tank. That means different dimensions than a long or tall rectangle. Meaning less swimming room.
When a fish needs alot of swimming room, it is from side to side. Not top to bottom. The tank is just unsuitable. It may last for awhile but IMHO i beleive you are wrong in keeping it in something that small.

Well, aarone maybe u should research ur fish more........a pygme angel should be fine in a 25 for a long time( i say this because the same thing happended to me but the tank was only 20g) and this type of pygme angel is a grazer and does not need open swimming space like a tang of the same size would need...also if there is only one or 2 fish other than him he should be fine......what we need more of one this board is ppl that help not try to correct what has already been done...good luck sid