Coral beauty


Active Member
Hope everyone channels that energy into doing whats right for the overall well being of the fish. In the case of the Pygmy...yes he will survive. In fact he'll probably do OK. He'll do better in the 55 ....more rock to graze...more room to roam...more suitable then a 25.
As far as cycyling....dwarf angels need a well established tank so even if cured rock/sand etc. is used, I would wait 4-5 months before putting the angel in the 55.
In any event enjoy and good luck.


As for everyone who posted something constructive towards the topic, I thank you! I know that I must not rush on the 55gal. As for the coral beauty, it has been a month and the fish is doing great! It is very docile and spends most of the day swimming through the crevices the in lr. IMO the fish looks very happy to me!



Originally posted by smokinstarfish
But Sid, fish aren't one of us humans. They're fish and they'd rather be left alone, or at least put in a proper tank. They're taken from the wild by people who think it's okay because they're human.
That's the problem; us humans think we can get away with almost anything! The sheer visual size of this animal is an obvious indication that a 25-gallon hex is not appropriate for such a wild-caught creature.
I understand mistakes are made, but understand that it if people insinuate you're being irresponsible, it's because they want you to know. The lives of exotic fish are worth more than someone's bruised feelings.

It's obvious no one person knows evrything although there are those who feel they do. I think sid should be encouraged at least he/she is seeking an answer to their temporary obstacle. At the very least they are trying to educate themselves. Yo 'starfish if this is really your attitude as a fish hobbyist than Ican't imagine you being caught dead in any pet store no matter what they sold. Play nice. You too arrone.