coral beauty


I have a small medium hypo tangs, a medium coral beauty,
a golden clown, a black & white clown.
They are getting along very well.
I see no aggressions among them.
I have 55 gal FO.


trigger reid,
they wont fight but your hippo tang wont grow and that shows its unhealthy so i wouldnt never buy a fish which i know it will be unhealthy. Why not go with a umm... sixline wrasse or a royal gramma? very colourful and hardy


Active Member
When I originally replied, the original question was just about a coral beauty and two perculas. I still stand by my opinion that those will be ok together in your tank as far as compatibility goes. Just be sure your tank is established and mature before adding the angel.
However, I do agree with everyone else when it comes to the hippo tang. Hippos need at least a 100 gallon tank, in my opinion, in order to be happy and healthy.