coral beuty problems

kelly shaw

i found this on my coral beuty today. it is right behind the side fin and a little on the bottom fin. kind of looks like ich but if it is its like i havent seen it before. the pics are pretty bad quality but i hope they help. none of the other fish have anything wrong with them.



Active Member
not good pics, but if you're talking about the big white spot on it's right side in the top pic, it looks too big to be ich. looks like possibly lymphocystis which is a non-fatal fungus (I think?) problem that will eventually go away on it's own if you feed right and keep the water right. my coral beauty had 2 large spots of lymphocystis when I first got him. it went away after a couple weeks and he's been fine for the past 2 years.

kelly shaw

yes i know the pics are terrible. but yes the white spot behind the right fin and one on the bottom fin. thanks for your help. i will definately keep an eye on him.


Staff member
Is that attached, or a white faded area? Use a magnifying glass to get a good look.

kelly shaw

it is attached. at just the right angle, like in the first bad picture (it was like he was posing). but it is just a build up. i called the lfs where i got it he said that like a coliflower fungus is what it sounded like to him. he said keep an eye on it and it should go away.


Active Member
the "cauliflower fungus" would be lymphocystis. if that's what it is, it's not much worry about as long as you're feeding properly and the water's good.


New Member
Lymphocystis is a viral disease, by my understanding. And it usually hits mouth, gills and fins. It's not really positioned for that, and it's far too large to be an Ich cyst. I'm stumped.
Ideally, let the angel go, Coral Beauty angels are rather hardy. If he starts behaving oddly, not eating, etc, isolate him, and since we can't figure out what it is exactly, administer formalin, and do what you can to get him eating.


Staff member
While lymphocyctis is a viral disease, it can show up on any part of the body. Your LFS only knows half of what they are talking about. While lymphocyctis is commonly referred to as cauliflower disease, it is not a fungus, but results from virus.
The treatment is good environment, good food.

kelly shaw

thank you everyone for you help. most of the big one under the fin is gone, just a little bit left. i saw him eating some flake food yesterday. the first time for flake. he pics at the algea on the live rock all the time. so i am sure he is eating something. my only fish that eat in front of me are my maroon and my perc clowns. they are not shy at all. my perc will eat out of my hand. but the spots are looking better.
thanks again for your help