Coral branded shrimp a killer?


I need help on this one. My 3-spot domino damsel is missing. Have not see him or any remains of it. These are the fish in the tank with it. 4 stripe damsel, blue and gold damsel, percula clown, flame angel, cleaning crew of 3 emrald crabs, blue and red leg crabs, a coral banded shrimp, snails, and 2 brittle stars. The domino damsel was the biggest fish and most aggressive fish in the tank by far. about 4 inches in size. I have had the cleaning crew for a week and I can't see anything killing the domino except the shrimp. There are no signs of the fish at all not even the remains. I have a 40 gallon tank with 30 lbs of lv. Moved it all and still no fish. Very unusual because I seen this fish go after everything in the tank and they swim away as fast as they can. Could he have met his match with the shrimp as the shrimp is the only thing in the tank that was near his size? I didn't think the coral banded shrimp was aggressive enough to kill. Anyone with any ideas? Thanks.


Yep Checked everywhere under everything. Gone!! I figured overnight the inverts had a feast but I never would have thought the shrimp could injure it damsel enough that it would die. That damsel ruled the tank. Especially at feeding time, that's how he grew so big. I'm seure the rest of the fish in the tank will not miss him but I hate to lose any fish, especially the fact is I don't know how he really died.
I had a blue damsel pass on late at night and by morning the cleaner crew had reduced it to nothing but a trace. Amazing how fast crabs will gobble up a fresh meal. Did you inspect every nook and cranny in any LR you might have??? I also heard an odd thing...coral banded shrimp will take leftover food and wedge it under some sand/substrate close to some live rock to eat later. I have never seen this happen but I was told by a friend of mine that he witnessed it...could be some tequila talking but who knows....just a thought ;)


...nope, it ain't the booze talking; our cleaner shrimp does the same thing w/ left over food; will stash some of it away; it could have been the CBS; from what I have heard, it's a 50/50 thing w/ them sometimes as to how agressive they will be in the tank; just look at way it's designed; sorry, does nto look like algae picking to me


Thanks for all the replies and yes I moved every piece of LR I have and no sign of the damsel. Still can't get over it, if in fact the shrimp did it, how it would kill the damsel. This was no small size fish. He was very aggressive and can't believe the shrimp could catch him and cause that much of an injury to cause death. If in fact that happened, the only thing I can see happening, then the rest of the cleanup crew did one hell of a job. Still hate to see the fish gone, he had character.

salty rick

Have you looked on the floor around the tank? I had a Blenny, a Damsel and a Firefish jump out of the tank. This usually happened when they were were chasing each other or by other fish and broke water. When cleaning out from behind the tank one day I found dryed fish.


Yep Salty Rick looked EVERYWHERE!! No clue as to where it went, rest his soul. The one thing I do know is now the others will get a chance to grow now that that damsel is gone. It horded all the food. Oh well, so goes the wonderful world of saltwater fish and mother nature. Just never thought that when I bought the cleaning crew that the shrimp would kill. Once again that is the only thing in the tank that had the largest size to it that would stand up to that damsel. By the way I read that the domino damsel is aggressive. I agree 100% so those of you who are thinking about buying one, buyer beware!!