coral branded shrimp attack?


I've noticed my flame angel and its tail seems that it's been snipped at quite a few times, could this be from a coral branded shrimp attack? has anyone ever had any problems with theirs showing aggressiveness towards other fish?


My shrimp tries to attack any fish that comes near it. Fish are too fast for him. I just introduced the coral banded shrimp over the weekend. Hopefully he will get used to the surroundings.


I have mine in the tank with my fish never had a problem going on one year now, I have noticed that he goes after my feather duster and picks food of of his feathers. Mine is pretty calm.


New Member
I had the same problem except it was with my powder blue. My powder blue loved sleeping in a nice little cave I have with my LR, but unfortunately, the Coral Banded had already decided that it was his cave. After several altercations, I decided to yank the CBS's claws off. For about 2 weeks everything was happy: The coral banded still got to hang out in his cave, since I had a very well-tempered blue tang who left him alone. And none of my fish got picked on. Then his claws grew back and so did his horrible personality. That's when Mr. CBS made a trip back to the local fish store.
Long story short: If your CBS is being a

, don't expect things to change. Get rid of him if Flame Angel's occasional torn fins bother you.
Hope I've helped.


Indeed, Ive also been considering yanking my cbs from my 75 gal fowlr.. he was fine when I first got him, but has grown fairly large and is now quite aggressive. He used to only harrass fish that wandered too close, but a few nights ago I witnessed him chase my lawnmower blenny across the entire tank with claws extended. A few of my fish had nips on their tails, and I believe it was probably him, stalking around my sleeping fish. I dont trust him and am planning to replace him with cleaner shrimp.


New Member
Draven, that's exactly what I did. I've found the cleaner shrimp not only to be a kinder shrimp, but much more helpful to the tank. Plus, whenever I have people over, I stick my hand in the tank and show off how my CS jumps on my hand and cleans it. They all think it's amazing. Definately ditch the CBS and go with a CS.


Actually I was considering getting both. One fire and two cleaners. Ive heard that fires tend to hide alot though, so I dont count on seeing it much.


New Member
My CBS also has a bad attitude whenever fish come to close. I figure any fish so slow as to be actually caught by him, must have already been half dead. I started out with a cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp. Neither seemed to have any personality at all. I paid 25 for one and 30 for the other. They both died the first time my salinity increased the slightest bit. I paid 9 for the CBS and he is all over the tank. He has already endured several ups and downs in water chemistry, and one tank upgrade from a 55 to a 75. Had to keep him in a bucket for 24 hours. He has loads of personality, and good looks. For my money they are tops. I think he keeps my fish from getting complacent and totally bored. Adds an element of reality to the tank, with no real danger. My wife calls him Arnold Swartzashrimp since he looks all bulked up. Anyway, somebody had to vote for the CBS's. I guess its preference though. :)


I hate the coral banded. I got 2 cleaner, 2 fire and 2 peppermint. They all get along and the cleaner and fire shrimp are always tidying up my fish.

kart racer

I had a CBS, cleaner and fire shrimp. When I sold my reef tank the only one I kept for my daughters tank was the CBS. The fire shrimp stayed hid in the rockwork all the time. The cleaner was pretty cool and helpful but the CBS was my favorite.