coral color


eric b 125

some of my corals, and my clam's mantle seem to be loosing thier color, and are starting to brown. time for new bulbs. will changing all my bulbs, and maybe getting a different color MH bring the color back to the corals? there's still a lot of color in them, but im starting to notice a difference. thanks


Well-Known Member

Corals are ticky...too much light, not enough light, the right foods, the right water quality all play a role. Look up the corals that are struggling, and see what each requires. See if you can tweak your tank to fix the balance.
The answer could be as simple as rearranging them in the tank. Or some nutrient they need...always test before you add anything to the tank like iodine. Clams need allot of calcium, double check what they require and then do a water test to see if you need to add that.
Hope this helps.

eric b 125

thanks flower. i dont dose anything, but just the other day i was talking to a dude at a frag swap and i got to thinking about starting to dose my tank. ill go home and test the water to see what may be lacking.


Look into adding potassium, be it dosing or just changing salts. I switched to SeaChem's AquaVitro Salinity salt mix which has a lot of potassium in it and it has made all the difference in the world in the colors of my corals (SPS, LPS and even softies).