Coral dieing please help ASAP


i got a hammer coral the other day and it looked very healthy but then i noticed part of it had died and then some more this morning. it is moving from one end to the other not in spots.. any idea of what i can do i really would love to save it because the rest of it looks perfectly healthy and at thisrate its going to be dead in a month or so

nm reef

Active Member
Not exactly sure but sounds like RTN......I was posting about a similar problem with a large hammer in my system a few months ago......the advice I followed a iodine dip(didn't seem to help a lot)
cut away the damaged area(cover exposed cut with epoxy)....this surgury removed approximately 1/3 of the origional coral but the rest is now alive and healthy in my reef.........I used a new hack saw blade to cut off the damaged area then placed the hammer in a moderate current under good seems fully recovered but a bit smaller.........check around for more info but this worked for mine.....hope this helps a little


You might call the nice folks at GARF. They are always willing to talk to you about coral problems