coral dip for new feather duster?


I am getting some zoos,blue mushroom and a feather duster tommorrow, should I coral dip all 3? Also is it true that you don't have to QT a mandarin fish? Thanks!


Active Member
I would NOT dip that feather duster. Dusters are inverts, NOT corals! It will die a very painful death! I accidentally dipped a coral in Revive coral dip and it had a small bristle star on the underside of it... When I realized it was in there, it was too late. It was writhing in pain and its little sides exploded out. :( don't dip the duster.
It's not true that you don't have to... it's just very hard to QT them because they can't be kept in a system with Copper. (It will kill their food source.) If you are concerned about ich or other clinging parasites, you could quickly freshwater dip the fish in RODI water. This will stress the fish, so do it quickly, I would say just a minute and it will cause any parasites to burst.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rlablan http:///t/392803/coral-dip-for-new-feather-duster#post_3490327
I would NOT dip that feather duster. Dusters are inverts, NOT corals! It will die a very painful death! I accidentally dipped a coral in Revive coral dip and it had a small bristle star on the underside of it... When I realized it was in there, it was too late. It was writhing in pain and its little sides exploded out. :( don't dip the duster.
It's not true that you don't have to... it's just very hard to QT them because they can't be kept in a system with Copper. (It will kill their food source.) If you are concerned about ich or other clinging parasites, you could quickly freshwater dip the fish in RODI water. This will stress the fish, so do it quickly, I would say just a minute and it will cause any parasites to burst.
Agreed...ONLY coral dip the mushroom. Never ever dose a tank with inverts, or have them in a tank where you have dosed copper.


K down to 1 hour before they arrive! So do I dip my zoo's with the mushroom? WOW sometimes I wonder WHY I stress so much over fish/ But then at night I watch them and OH soooo peaceful! It will all pay off RIGHT!!!! giggle giggle! ANY MORE ADVICE on the mandarin before he comes??? QT or not? I ordered copecods with him and have a 30 QT or put him straight in the DT? Thanks all!!!