coral dip question - Need help!


I have recently received a few pieces of new coral from a WYSIWYG site. I have them in quarantine right now. I have heard about a process of fresh water dip to help with any hitchhikers that may have came. Does anyone know how to do it and what the pros and cons are of doing it. Any information about transitioning the corals to my Display tank would help. I have only purchased corals from local pet stores before and so i took a chance and did not dip them. So far i have been lucky. I don't want to take a chance this time.
I did notice on one of the LPS corals that i got (Aussie Blastomussa) that in the bottom of the stony part it looks like a small tentacle of some sort coming out so that made it even more clear that i need to do something. It may be a hair but i don't think so.

al mc

Active Member
I have not used fresh water dips but I have used some of the commercial iodine dips made for coral dipping and found them to cause no visible harm to the corals