Coral Dying?


New Member
Before I head out to the LFS to see whats happening with my new frags of GSP I would like to seek some assistance.
Last friday I bought 2 small frags of GSP. One was a very bright green and the other was a dull green. I put them in my tank and within 2-3 hours they were both fully extended and doing great.
Yestderday the frag that was bright green started to bring in its polyps. The few that are still out are very small and they are not extending very far. I gave the frag a smell and everything seems ok so I don't think it is dead. Is this behavior normal or do I have something to worry about? My dull frag is still extending nicely but late tonight I also noticed it losing some of the extension it used to show.
I know they are getting plenty of water flow and they are under 130W of PC in a 20L so lighting shouldnt be an issue.
All water measurements are good to go. Fish are doing great and my 1 lonely snail is still doing fine.
I do have some hairy algae that I am worried about since I read that they can over take GSP. Ive never used tap water but I am pretty sure I overfeed . Could this algae be my problem?
Should I use a toothbrush and gently brush them off? Do I have anything to be worried about?
Any help would be great!!


Active Member
If they are getting a good flow like you said, then you shouldn't need to brush them off. That seems like normal behavior for newly placed GSP's, they take time to fully adjust. Could be your lone snail crawling over them also, or any shrimp (if you have any). Give them time, dont move yet---that will just make them close up again. For your hair algea try to only feed once a day or every other day, do small amounts so that they can get it all before it hits the bottom, beef up that clean up crew, and manually remove what you can (inverts do better on shorter hair). HTH :)


New Member
^ I understand it can take some time for them to fully adjust. Within 3 hours of my placing the coral in my tank the coral was fully extended. 3-4 days later I am not seeing any extension in 1 and only partial in another. I am going to cut back to 10 hours of light per day but other than that I'm stumped. I do notice algae actually growing on the larger frag , and something is growing on the smaller frag as well. Should I go ahead and clean them off. They are getting good current but algae is still sticking to them.


Active Member
I would, just use a new soft toothbrush and gently clean them off. If I remember right, my GSP did the same thing. HTH.


when i bought mine a few weeks ago they exstended great for a day or so then closed up for about 4 days now the are out every day in full blume.just give them time to adjust if a week passes then move them.MHO